Monday, September 15, 2008

San Francisco Real Estate Meetup

Please join us for our next meetup group on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 6:30 pm at Pacific Unions office. To RSVP for this event, please call Oron Maher (415) 378-5464 or email: Our speaker is Jeremey Paul. Here is a little more information about Jeremy:
Jeremy Paul and his associates at Quickdraw Permit Consulting have been getting improbable projects approved in San Francisco for more than 19 years. The office specializes in difficult smaller projects; including change of use and occupancy, residential demolitions and alterations, legalization of odd units and strange uses in unlikely locations, unit mergers, entertainment permitting, new construction, and staring down unreasonable and capricious plan checkers. Quickdraw is noted for a uniquely creative and persistent approach to neighborhood conflict resolution and permitting of new and environmentally sensitive architecture. They are responsible for the first horizontal axis windpower generator installed in a residential neighborhood in any city in the country.Mr. Paul is a nearly weekly feature at the San Francisco Board of Appeals and Planning Commission where he is noted for well crafted powerpoint presentations laden with enough humor to awaken sleeping commissioners. San Franciscan's with far too much time on their hands often approach him in restaurants to ask if he's that guy they see all the time on the City Hall cable TV channel. Jeremy uniformly denies knowing what they're talking about . . . Mr. Paul will speak on the current atmosphere towards Real Estate development and alteration in San Francisco and hopes you will come with questions both specific and general about our Building and Planning codes.

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