Friday, February 19, 2010

February Real Estate Meetup to Feature Speaker: Howard Blum

The February Meetup will be on Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:30pm at 1500 Franklin Street (cross street is Bush)
Our speaker this month will be Howard Blum from The Financial News & Information Service (for bio, see below).
Please come join fellow real estate professional for an evening of education and networking.
About the Speaker
Howard Blum is the owner and founder of The Financial News and Information Service. The Financial News & Information Service produces newsletters on a daily, weekly, and monthly, read from CA to Washington, DC to Europe and Asia by members of the press in the print and broadcast mainstream media, bankers, lawyers, politicians, accountants, educators, members of the real estate community, mortgage loan originators, mortgage bankers and individual investors.
Howard has appeared on radio and television around the world offering his insights of what is driving the bond market, the economy and Federal Reserve monetary policy. His interest rate forecasting has brought his a great deal of recognition in the San Francisco Bay Area for almost two decades. He has "hands on" experience with the lending and real estate industries as a real estate investor, holder of a CA real estate license and he also spent a number of years as a Mortgage Banker and Mortgage Broker.
Howard Blum is also an award winning public speaker, speaking to audiences, large and small, about the relationship of the Federal Reserve and the economy, the 'Whys' behind Fed monetary policy and the direction of the economy and interest rates in plain English (without using 'Eono-Babble').

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